This app displays events in different cities that are fetched
from the Google Calendar API.
The goal of this project was to learn the process of building a
serverless, progressive web app (PWA) that is tested with
test-driven development (TDD), uses OAuth (an authorization
protocol that allows one to login without sharing login
credentials), and implements data visualisation.
This project was started off with developing user stories for
each of the features to be implemented on the app. I turned
these into Given-When-Then statements that formed the basis of
my TDD approach with Enzyme and Jest.
Meet is a PWA, which means it's responsive, works offline, has
cross-platform compatibility, and can be installed on desktop
and can also be added to the main screen of your smartphone.
► Show/hide event details, filter by city name, choose
number of events
- ► Chart 1: Popularity of topics in the city
- ► Chart 2: Number of upcoming events per city
Built with: React, CSS, serverless (AWS lambda), OAuth (Google
Cloud Console), Recharts for data visualisation, Jest (Enyzme,
Cucumber, Puppeteer) for testing, Atatus for performance
Github Repo
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